Here it is. It's finally July and the July Menu is ready for you!
Can you believe it’s July already? I definitely can’t since it’s only been warm for about 30 seconds here in Chicago! Here’s hoping summer is finally here to stay.
As always, you are the first to get a sneak peek at the monthly menu plan. I hope you find some inspiration this month. Use the whole menu, pick a week and go for it or pick and choose to help fill out your own menu plan (I encourage this).
Now, you know I want you to go out and create you own menu plan based on your family’s tastes and food preferences, however, I also want to make life simple for you.
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For you to be able to create simple and delicious meals for your family with ease. Well, that and to share other tips and tricks to make your life simpler!
These are my ACTUAL menu plans. You’ll see days where we are eating leftovers and days when things are really, really simple.
I’m trying a few of the recipes for the first time from a new cookbook I bought recently, No Crumbs Left by Teri Turner. You'll find them on Wednesdays. I think they are going to be goooood! Most of her recipes are Whole 30 inspired, and many are dairy free. I've chosen the recipes that don't need much adapting for a kosher kitchen which is awesome!
Can you guess what the other themes are this month? First person to get them right (Monday-Friday themes) can choose one of themes for next month! Just email me your guesses!
Okay, here it is, what my family is eating this month.
If you want a printable pdf of the July menu, click here and I’ll deliver it to your email box right away! You will also get early access to the menus I create each month. It's a great resource that only my subscribers have access to!
I hope that by seeing what we are eating, helps you get your menu up and running for the month. Use the menu as it is, or pick a few meals that sound good to you.
If you are interested in any of the recipes that aren’t yet posted on the blog, feel free to send me a message at marni {at} simplegraytshirt {dot} com.
I’m trying to spread the word about Simple Gray T-Shirt and I need YOUR help!
I’m wondering if you would be willing to share this link or this post with 5 of your friends that you think hasn't found us yet.
I want to grow this community and I want to reach people I haven't so far!
So remember, share with folks that I don't know or you think I haven't yet reached out to!
Maybe someone in your book club, maybe an acquaintance from your yoga class, a neighbor down the block, a parent from the bus stop, etc. Make sure it’s someone who can benefit from the simple tricks, tips and recipes I’m sharing.
In return for you helping me spread the word, I'm giving things away!
I’m going to send three of you something special (I’ll pick winners randomly on Monday, July 15th on Instagram). Want to better your chances of winning? Share with more people....every time someone tells me you referred them you’ll get another entry in the drawing.
Can't wait to see what you make this month. Remember to tag me if you make something from the blog or July menu #simplegraytshirt.
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