April showers bring May flowers they say…
I sure hope that saying is right...I need the rain to stop, and the sun to come out.
In any case, here at Simple Gray T-shirt, April showers are bring you the May Menu.
Now, you know I want you to go out and create you own menu plan based on your family’s tastes and food preferences, however, I also want to make life simple for you.
Afterall, that’s my whole goal here at Simple Gray T-Shirt.
These are our ACTUAL menu plans. You’ll see days where we are eating leftovers and days we are eating out.
I hope that seeing what we are eating helps you get your menu up and running for the month. Use the menu as it is, or pick a few meals that sounds good to you.
Okay, here it is, what my family is eating this month. You’ll see I went with a different theme for each day of the week...see if you can figure out what it is!
If you want a printable pdf of this document, click here and I’ll deliver it to your email box right away!
Hope you enjoy. If you are interested in any of the recipes that aren’t yet posted on the blog, feel free to send me a message at marni {at} simplegraytshirt {dot} com.
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