I knew I needed to make a change more than 2 years ago...
Now I've leapt into the unknown, I've left my full time job (which I once loved) and am ready to work harder than ever at something I can call my own.
Welcome to Simple Gray T-Shirt
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Why Simple Gray T-Shirt you might ask? Because it’s what I feel best in.
Let me explain: A few years ago my sister bought me a t-shirt from Moosejaw.
She knows my favorite color is gray and I only like soft shirts (like really soft shirts). She didn’t realize that this was the shirt that I wanted to live in. That it would become an inspiration for a blog. It was a Simple Gray T-shirt but made me feel good, feel like I could take on anything from mom life to work life and beyond.
I want to bring you along as I explore all the things that make me feel my best. I’ll share with you the things that I think make life easier, things that are delicious, the things I’m learning that are totally challenging and most importantly will share with you some of my favorite gray t-shirts of all time. I’ll try to keep things light and fun and informative.
A few fun facts about me:
- Chocolate chip cookies should be chewy
- I had high-heeled sneakers in high school (shout out to Mr. Teachman).
- My two vices are ice cream and the sun (in that order).
- I think my kids are hysterical, despite the chaos.
- I have a Masters Degree in School Social Work but have never used it.
- I believe it’s great to be a Michigan Wolverine (Go Blue!)
- I love summer for camp, fall for leaves changing colors, winter for cozy cooking and big sweaters, but could really do without the spring
- Parallel parking is one of my best hidden talents
- Moosejaw Women's Floral Critter Vintage Flowy V-Neck SS Tee is the BEST tshirt ever!
I enjoy learning about my readers and hope you will share a fun fact about yourself. Feel free to leave a comment, share on social media and comment there, or click the button below to share with me via email.
Shanta Narang says
I agree Today's generation demands simple and plain stuff, and you posted very great tips.
simplegraytshirt says
of course...glad you found it helpful!
long sleeve t shirts says
Nice post. Good work.